Medicaid coverage for new mothers in Idaho could be extended to a year after giving birth under a new bill heading to the House floor.
Right now, pregnant women are only allowed to stay on Medicaid for 60 days after giving birth. Idaho is one of just four states that haven’t extended postpartum Medicaid coverage according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
“It is difficult for a new mother to find time to have her own medical problem addressed in the first 60 days postpartum as that is such a busy time in caring for a newborn,” said Dr. Sara Thompson, an OB-GYN with Saint Alphonsus Health System.
Idaho has the highest rate of postpartum depression in the country at 25.4%, according to state data from 2021.
In 2021, six of the nine Idaho women who died due to pregnancy-related causes had contributing mental health conditions.
That’s one reason Fred Birnbaum with the far-right Idaho Freedom Foundation said the bill will simply add to the federal debt.
“Many of the women that died had substance abuse problems or other health comorbidities. So the notion that this is just going to work is not supported by the facts,” said Birnbaum. “It’s an expansion of an out of control program.”
He was the only person who opposed the bill during Monday morning’s hearing.
Supporters reject the claim it won’t save money.
The federal government pays 90% of the cost for pregnant and postpartum enrollees. But if they’re cut off from postpartum coverage after 60 days and re-enroll in Medicaid due to low income, Rep. Megan Blanksma (R-Hammett), the bill’s sponsor, said that federal share drops to 70%.
A fiscal analysis for the proposal doesn’t include an estimate of how much taxpayers could save under the plan.
The bill could be taken up by the full House later this week after clearing the House Health and Welfare Committee on a 9-2 vote.
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