Idaho Democrats pushed for a jobs package and ethics reform at the start of this legislative term. At the end, none of these proposals made it very far. They announced Friday they’ll renew their efforts next year. Democrats also want a constitutional amendment to guard against mandated medical procedures.
Shocked and committed. That’s how Democrats described themselves during a wrap-up of this year’s legislative session. Sen. Elliot Werk (D-Boise) explains the shock, "Having the Republicans, on the last day of the session, push through rules that make their ethics tribunals secret actually shocked us."
Senate Republicans adopted a rule that makes ethics violations secret until a panel determines there’s probable cause. Werk says that’s not what Democrats had in mind when they proposed an independent ethics panel.
Rep. Cherie Buckner-Webb (D-Boise) explains committed, "I am committed to doing that work, working on that kind of legislation as soon as possible." The work Buckner-Webb will begin is a constitutional amendment that allows Idahoans to refuse mandated medical treatments. It’s in response to a bill that was shelved late in the session – a requirement that women undergo an ultrasound before an abortion. Buckner-Webb hopes to have a draft ready by the next session.
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