Voter guide for November 2024 election in Idaho
Dates you should know:
- Oct. 11: Deadline to register to vote online
- Oct. 15 - Nov 1: Early Voting
- Oct. 25: Absentee ballot request deadline
- Nov. 5: Election Day
Register/Update Voter Registration
If you need to register to vote or update your existing voter registration, you can do so online or by mail.
If you are registering to vote or updating your existing voter registration online, you will need to have a Driver’s License or identification card issued by the Idaho Department of Motor Vehicles.
For college students or those who do not want to get an Idaho driver's license, you can easily get a free identification from the DMV to use at the polls. Earlier this year, the Idaho Supreme Court ruled state lawmakers did not violate the state or federal constitution when they eliminated the use of student ID cards as valid identification for voting, as reported by Idaho Reports.
To get the identification card, the applicant must be at least 18 years old and does not possess a valid driver's license. If the applicant does have a valid driver's license, it can be surrendered to get the other identification card.
The applicant must indicate the identification card is needed for voting purposes on the application. To get the card, bring proof of Idaho residency (like a lease or rental agreement, utility bill or school enrollment records) and proof of age and identity, like a birth certificate, passport or naturalization documents.
This identification card is the same as the standard Idaho Identification Card, just offered at no charge to eligible applicants.
If you are wanting to register to vote by mail, fill out this form and mail it to your county elections office. If you do mail it in, it must be postmarked by the 25th day before an election, and if you are a first-time voter in Idaho, a copy of current and valid photo identification and a copy of a current utility bill, paycheck, bank statement or another document that shows your name and address must be submitted with the form or shown at the polls before voting.
You can register to vote at the polls on Election Day if you miss the deadline. Online and mail voter registration reopens the day after an election.
How to vote in-person
The most important thing here is knowing where to go to vote. Your polling place may have changed and you can find your polling place online. Once you enter your home address, the website will give you your polling location and the option to email or text the directions to your voting location.
When you get to your voting location, you have to present a photo ID or sign a Personal Identification Affidavit. Polls are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day. If you have any questions on Election Day, ask a poll worker.

How to vote with an absentee ballot
You can request an absentee ballot up until 11 days before any election. You do have to be a registered voter to submit an application and you have to have an Idaho Driver’s License or State Identification Card and the last four digits of your social security number.
If you don’t have the required ID numbers, you need to download a paper application and mail it to your county clerk or visit your county elections office. VoteIdaho.Gov recommends you use Google Chrome to fill out the application.
You can also request an absentee ballot by mailing in a paper request form, requesting a paper form from your county clerk’s office or submitting a written request to your county clerk with the following information:
- Name
- Residence address in Idaho
- Mailing address
- Your signature
When you get your absentee ballot, make sure to fill in the rectangle completely with a blue or black ink pen and vote only for the appropriate number of candidates in each race.
Before you send in your ballot, remove the stub from the top of the ballot and put the ballot inside the yellow secrecy sleeve, then the return envelope. You have to sign the back of the outer return envelope and your signature will be verified when it is received. Envelopes without a valid signature will not be counted.
To return your absentee ballot, you can mail it but make sure to include the required postage. Ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, regardless of the postmark date if you are mailing them in
Ada County Voting Information
Early Voting Locations
Early voting is available at several locations in Ada County and residents can cast their ballot at any location, regardless of where they live. In Ada County, residents can vote at the locations listed below starting October 15 through November 1, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Mobile Voting Center
Ada County Elections also has a Mobile Voting Unit to make it easier for people to cast their ballots during the early voting time period. The unit visits high traffic areas within Ada County and prints ballots on demand for anybody who wants to vote before Election Day.
Voting Locations
Polling places are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day. If you haven’t voted recently, or just moved to the area, you may be wondering where your voting location is. The Ada County Elections website makes that information easy to find. All you have to do is click here and type in your address. This website tells you where your polling place is and the precinct, along with your sample ballot.
Sample Ballot
You are able to view a sample ballot based on your precinct ahead of the election, so you have time to do research on different candidates and propositions on the ballot. The sample ballot is available online after you type in your address, to ensure you’re viewing the same ballot you will see at the polls on Election Day.
Canyon County Voting Information
Early Voting
Early voting is available October 21- November 1. Voting locations are open Monday-Friday, between the hours of 8pm and 5pm. You can vote early at any of the following locations:
Polling Locations
Voting locations will open at 8 a.m. on November 5 and close at 8 p.m. Canyon County voters can use Canyon County’s Voter Lookup tool to find where they can cast their ballot.
Twin Falls County
Early Vote & Absentee
You can vote early in Twin Falls County at County West, 630 Addison Ave W in Twin Falls.
Early Voting
the last day for early voting is Nov. 1, the Friday before Election Day. The early voting center is located at 630 Addison Ave. W in Twin Falls on the first floor. The office is open only during early voting.
If you need help outside of early voting hours, head to the Recorder's Office on the second floor of Twin Falls County West.
Sample Ballot
The ballot includes items like College of Southern Idaho trustees, City of Murtaugh Water Bond, Twin Falls School District Supplemental Levy and Rock Creek Rural Fire Protection District Temporary Override Levy.
See your sample ballot here by typing in your address.
Blaine County
Absentee and Early Voting
Early voting is available at the Blaine County Courthouse in Hailey. You can also mail your absentee ballot back to the courthouse or drop it off in-person after you've filled it out.
All eligible Blaine County residents can vote at the Blaine County Election Office beginning three weeks before each election. Voting hours are from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The last day of early voting is always the Friday before Election Day.
Sample Ballot
Click the links below to see sample ballots for different counties.
Bonneville County
Early and Absentee Voting
Absentee ballot request forms can be sent to the Bonneville County Election Office in Idaho Falls located at 497 N. Capital Ave. In-person early voting will also be available at the election office.
The election office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding holidays.
Sample Ballot
To view your sample ballot, click here and type in your address and hit search. you'll then scroll down on the page to Sample Ballot and click Select.
Kootenai County
Absentee Voting
The Kootenai County Elections Department offers absentee ballot by mail for all elections. Absentee request forms are available for the current year and requests must be signed by the elector.
The last day to request an absentee ballot is 11 days prior to an election at 5 p.m. The form can be emailed, faxed or mailed to the County Elections Department using the contact information below:
Early Voting
Early voting takes place at the Kootenai County Elections Office in Coeur d'Alene from Oct. 15 - Nov. 1, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sample Ballot
The ballot you will receive for this election will be based on what Legislative District and Taxing Districts you live in.
Some school and fire districts are running ballot questions for this election. You can look up the ballot you will be receiving this election and entering your address.