A recent study found that when mountain goats and bighorn sheep compete over mineral sources at high elevations, it’s the goats that usually go home happy.
Herds of mountain goats occupy mountain ranges all around the Mountain West. Not all are native, though, and some of those transplants are causing...
The U.S. Forest Service has settled a lawsuit from environmental groups to prevent domestic sheep from grazing in areas inhabited by native Bighorns.For…
Environmental groups want to stop sheep grazing on public lands in the region. The issue is playing out in the courts in Idaho and Montana. The plaintiffs…
The U.S. Forest Service is illegally jeopardizing a small herd of bighorn sheep with deadly diseases by allowing thousands of domestic sheep to graze in…
One five-year-old and one six-year-old ram were killed near Challis Thursday. In a press release, Idaho Fish and Game officials say they attempted to…
A federal judge has ruled that a U.S. Forest Service plan to reduce domestic sheep grazing on the Payette National Forest by about 70 percent to protect…
Wildlife managers are euthanizing bighorn sheep in central Washington. A herd has been infected with a disease that causes pneumonia.In wild bighorn…
Three conservation groups want to stop domestic sheep from grazing on certain areas within the Payette National Forest. They fear Rocky Mountain bighorn…