You’ve heard us report before on places about to be stocked with fish by Idaho Fish and Game. A few hundred trout in a river ... a few kokanee salmon in a…
A recently completed deal with the federal government has transferred management of the Hagerman National Fish Hatchery to the Idaho Department of Fish…
It’s that time of year, when the quiet Nampa Fish Hatchery starts delivering thousands of mostly rainbow trout around the state for anglers to catch. But…
About 600,000 young spring chinook salmon have died at a northern Idaho fish hatchery after an electrical problem stopped water from circulating.The Nez…
Idaho Fish and Game researchers are testing a new method of fish population control. The idea is to use a female hormone that causes male-born fish to…
Exercise is something we often talk about in January, usually in the context of getting healthier.But here in Idaho, biologists and engineers are looking…
It was a bad year for endangered sockeye salmon making their way home on the Columbia River. Unusually warm water in Northwest Rivers this summer killed…
Growers of sugar beets and potatoes in eight counties along southern Idaho's Snake River could be in jeopardy after a fish hatchery's complaint it isn't…
There is a growing concern that hatcheries could cause our Northwest fish to lose their wild streak -- and ability to survive. A laboratory in Idaho hopes…