In the wake of the devastating Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire in 2022, the U.S. Forest Service paused prescribed fires – which started the infernos – to review the agency’s program. A newly released Government Accountability Office report looks into how well the agency has implemented changes since then. While acknowledging that changes necessary to resume burning have been made, the government watchdog says more work remains.
After 21 years leading state government accountability work that has spurred policy reform, Rakesh Mohan retires
A new government watchdog report published Wednesday says taxpayers are shouldering the burden of cleaning up the nation’s thousands of abandoned hardrock…
The Bureau of Land Management’s plan to move its headquarters out west is costing the agency around half the employees asked to make the move, according…
Federal land agencies like the National Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management aren't doing enough to keep employees safe, according to a new report…