John Pabon is a certified expert on sustainability. Following his work with the United Nations, McKinsey, A.C. Nielsen, and as a consultant with BSR, which calls itself, “the world’s largest sustainability-focused business network,” Pabon is also the best-selling author of “The Climate Emergency Journal,” “Sustainability for the Rest of Us,” and the soon-to-be-released in North America, “The Great Greenwashing.”
The alarming signs of climate change are all around us: devastating fires destroying whole communities, new temperature records set only to fall the next year, glaciers disappearing in real time. It's an overwhelming problem, but some have turned to e-bikes as one way to do their part to stave off the worst effects of our still-changing climate.
Changing climate patterns and growing populations are having an impact on all of our lives, but it is also affecting birds and their migration patterns.
Organic materials in landfills is a major contributor to methane emissions, but keeping things like grass clippings, apple cores or paper products out of the regular waste stream is a win for reducing greenhouse gases.
Residential energy use accounts for about 20% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions.
Water is not an unlimited resource, and more attention is being paid to how we use it - especially on thirsty landscaping like non-native grass lawns. What can homeowners do if they're tired of the maintenance and the rising expense of watering their yard?
The toll of climate change is all around us and while the scale of it can be difficult to grasp at an individual scale, some folks in Idaho are choosing to change their diets to reduce their impact on the planet.