The American Society of Civil Engineers is out with its report card on infrastructure in Idaho. While the Gem State did better than the nation’s grade of “D+,” the society’s findings paint a less-than rosy picture.
Idaho is neither leading the class nor passing notes in the back with a grade of C-. The American Society of Civil Engineers describes the “C” category as infrastructure that’s mediocre and in need of attention.
While the society puts out a national report card every four years, individual states are evaluated on a rolling basis. The recent Idaho report card breaks down infrastructure by components.
Idaho Infrastructure Report Card by James on Scribd
Out of about 4,500 bridges in Idaho, close to 1,900 are part of the state highway system. Forty-five percent of those 1,900 are 50-plus years old, meaning they’ve reached the end of the lifespan they were designed for. Idaho bridges received a “D.”
Roads in the Gem State got an overall C- grade. The civil engineers suggest updating the state’s gas tax and linking it to the Consumer Price Index. They also recommend looking at how much transportation employees make to ensure the state is able to recruit the best staff.
Water facilities were also looked at by the society. The majority of the state’s 397 dams are in satisfactory or fair condition, but 90 of them are classified as “high hazard.”
Around the region, Nevada, Utah and Montana all received grades in the “C” range the last time they were evaluated.
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