Judy Fahys
A judge ruled Monday that a federal court in Washington, D.C. — not Salt Lake City — will decide whether it was legal for the Trump administration to...
Bikes are off limits in the nation's 100 million acres of wilderness. But a few members of Congress want that to change.
Conservationists from around the country are opposing congressional legislation to allow a four-lane highway through a desert tortoise preserve in fast...
Rowdy Muir started fighting fires on the front lines when he was 27.
You’ve probably heard about the GDP or those “best places to live” rankings. The Family Prosperity Index also factors in family life as a measure of...
The 100 Deadliest Days for car and truck crashes starts Memorial Day and ends on Labor Day. It’s when fatalities spike the tally, leading to more than 1...
A record number of Native Americans are running for political office this year nationally and in the Mountain West.
The country's first free-range parenting law goes into effect in Utah May 8. But people in other states are already warming to the idea.
The Trump administration’s plans to cut red tape on environmental projects is getting predictably mixed reviews.
What we know about air pollution and health has roots in the mountain valleys of Utah. Winter smog episodes here are legendary.