It’ll once again be on the Idaho Senate to decide the future of a proposed ban on mask mandates.
House lawmakers have voted to ban public health districts, governments and public schools from implementing mask mandates four times, including Wednesday.
Public employers could still require workers to wear masks if it’s part of their job duties, like handling hazardous materials.
The bill’s sponsor this year, Rep. Rob Beiswenger (R-Horseshoe Bend), said the decision to use a mask to block the spread of disease will be up to individuals.
“If you’re at the gym, if you’re at the grocery store, if you’re in a hot air balloon ride and you want to put your mask on, you’re welcome to do that,” said Beiswenger. “We will not stop that in any way.”
Just two legislators debated the bill, including Rep. Rick Cheatum (R-Pocatello).
Cheatum, who’s also a Pocatello City Councilmember, said the bill would handcuff elected officials down the road.
“We pass a bill like this and who knows what we may be facing in the future at the local level,” he said.
Cheatum was among seven Republicans who joined Democrats in opposing the measure.
The bill now goes to the Senate where similar measures have never gotten out of committee.
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