Engineering hurdles, high costs and political challenges stand in the way of an easy fix to the West's water shortages. This is Part 1 in the Western Water Myths five-part series.
The US government has reached an agreement wit to help restore salmon populations in the Upper Columbia River Basin. The agreement will fund more than 200 million dollars towards the project over the next 20 years.
Officials want to raise Anderson Ranch Dam to provide more water storage to the Boise Basin.
As water levels in Lake Powell keep dropping, activists say Glen Canyon Dam is in need of upgrades to its plumbing so it can keep sending water downstream.
States in the Upper Colorado River Basin are not ready to commit to federal water conservation targets, but are seeking to revive a conservation program first launched in 2014.
Deputy Secretary of the Interior Tommy Beaudreau said the New Belen Wasteway, a Bureau of Reclamation project that routes agricultural runoff back to the Rio Grande, is an example of an investment in water infrastructure that has huge impacts on surrounding communities.
A new study will examine if changing the way water is managed in the upper Payette River Basin could improve water quality in Lake Cascade.
Emergency water releases from reservoirs upstream of Lake Powell have begun to preserve the nation’s second-largest reservoir’s ability to generate hydroelectric power.
The Boise River is on the rise once again. For the second week in a row the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation are increasing the…
Shoshone Falls is poised to be a spectacle one more time for its swan song before the water is reduced to a trickle for the summer.With summer here and…