A new study brings clarity to a long-running debate over whether mountains produce carbon dioxide or remove it from the atmosphere.
Trees are often viewed as a climate solution, as they suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Research also shows that logging pollutes more than previously thought.
A first-of-its-kind carbon capture facility is coming to the Mountain West. What do residents think?A direct air capture project set to begin operations this year in Wyoming could soon be the largest facility of its kind in the world. The commercial companies that founded "Project Bison" estimate it will remove five million tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere per year by 2030
In 2021, Flagstaff, Ariz., and Boulder County, Colo., launched the 4 Corners Carbon Coalition to help spur innovation in carbon dioxide removal around the region. Last week, Santa Fe, N.M., and Salt Lake City also joined the group.
The Centers for Disease Control has said proper ventilation in indoor settings can cut down the spread of COVID-19. But how can you tell whether a space...
The Obama Administration announced Monday that Idaho will have to cut its carbon pollutants by a third over the next 15 years.The new standard is part of…
At a Utah meeting this week, Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter blasted President Barack Obama for seeking to limit coal-fired power plant emissions while not…
One of the less-talked-about points in President Barack Obama’s climate change plan is capturing and storing carbon before it’s released from power…
The U.S Energy Information Administration studied the amount of carbon dioxide that was pumped into the atmosphere between 2000-2010. Idaho contributes a…