The Idaho Legislature finally wrapped up and went home Thursday after one of the longest sessions in years.At the end, the House and the Senate were at…
It’s not over yet. The Idaho Legislature still hasn’t wrapped up for the year.Thursday, the Idaho House voted to add work requirements back into the…
The Idaho Legislature has been wrestling with two big bills this week. There were significant developments on both the Medicaid Expansion bill and the…
It doesn't look like lawmakers at the legislature will be going home when they planned to on Monday, March 25. Known as the Sine Die date, Monday was…
The Idaho Legislature is one week closer to going home, but the specific date is still uncertain. Many of the budget bills have passed out of the Joint…
Large crowds are expected to turn out Friday morning to testify at the statehouse about a bill to add work requirements and other sideboards to Medicaid…
It’s Friday and that means it’s time for an update on what’s been happening this week at the Idaho Legislature. Lawmakers are halfway toward going…
The Idaho Legislature is going strong, with almost 300 bills moving through committees. They cover a wide variety of topics, from public education funding…
It’s the end of the fifth week of the Idaho Legislature. That means lawmakers are almost halfway toward going home.Two issues popped up this week,…
This week in the Idaho Legislature, lawmakers spent time on budgets and human trafficking bills, while LGBTQ supporters came to the capitol to advocate…