The county's planning and zoning commission signed off on a special use permit last fall for JK Potatoes, based in Rupert, to construct a new melon-sorting facility in Bliss in an agricultural zone.
The case was filed by Michael Boren last year against opponents to a permit he obtained for an airstrip on his Sawtooth Valley ranch.
The federal government could lease hundreds of thousands of acres in the Mountain West for oil and gas development this year. The Bureau of Land Management announced proposals in Utah, Wyoming, Nevada and New Mexico this past fall.
The Center for Western Priorities says bills that would protect over 16 million acres in the West are “languishing” in Congress.
An Idaho district court judge dismissed defamation claims made by Boise businessman Michael Boren against people who opposed his application for a private airstrip on his Sawtooth Valley ranch.
Several recent conflicts over public lands access have made headlines in our region. One of those cases involves a practice called corner crossing, and it could determine whether recreationists can access millions of acres.
Custer County approved a conditional use permit for a controversial airstrip on a private Sawtooth Valley property last summer. Now the owner is suing opponents of that permit for defamation.
Custer County Commissioners will hear an appeal Wednesday evening on a decision to give landowners Michael and Amanda Boren a conditional use permit for an airstrip on their property.
Idaho Matters is continuing our "Growing Pains" series on growth and affordability issues facing the Treasure Valley, one of the fastest growing places in…
The Treasure Valley is a popular place to live these days. With a relatively low cost of living, access to recreation in Idaho’s great outdoors and a…