This segment originally aired on March 4, 2019.Freelance journalist Rocky Barker has been tracking the dwindling numbers of the Selkirk caribou and he…
New research finds more kids vaping than smoking.Rocky Barker chronicles the modern-day extinction of the caribou of the Selkirk Range.A seed cooperative…
Freelance journalist Rocky Barker has been tracking the dwindling numbers of the Selkirk caribou and he joins Idaho Matters to illustrate the effects of…
Caribou used to be found in the wilds of old growth forests in the Idaho panhandle. The population would often cross state lines into Washington. Now,…
David Moskowitz is a biologist, photographer and certified wildlife tracker. His work focuses on the fauna of the interior of the Pacific Northwest and…
A recent aerial survey revealed there are only three wild caribou left in the contiguous United States. Biologists say the chances to save them are slim...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has reopened for comment a proposed plan to change the status of a herd of caribou in northern Idaho and northeastern…
Officials from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Wednesday, a small herd of mountain caribou found in the Northwest will retain federal protection...
A coalition of environmental groups is suing the federal government over cuts in protected habitat in Idaho and northeastern Washington for the last known…
Idaho's U.S. Representatives Mike Simpson (R-ID) and Raul Labrador (R-ID) want the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to “go back to the drawing board” on the…