Counties in Idaho will receive more than $41 million from the federal government this year under the PILT program.
The Great American Outdoors Act has passed the Senate with solid bipartisan support – but bipartisan doesn’t mean unanimous. A group of 73 voted yes while…
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will be discussing bills to fund programs that help pay for public schools and infrastructure in rural…
Idaho’s U.S. senators are signing onto a bill that would keep federal dollars flowing to counties for the next 10 years.PILT, or payment in lieu of taxes,…
The Trump Administration will distribute a record amount of money to counties with non-taxable federal land this year. In March, Congress approved an…
U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced yesterday Idaho will receive $30 million via Payments in Lieu of Taxes, a.k.a. PILT funding, for 2017.…
The Basin School District in Idaho City has something most districts in the state don’t, preschool.On Wednesdays, 12 preschoolers leave their small…