For years, Wyoming has had one of the highest suicide rates and one of the highest gun ownership rates in the United States. But until recently, it was taboo to draw a link between those two things.
Colorado, Washington, Louisiana, and other states have implemented some version of a safe firearm storage map or public messaging campaign encouraging people to store firearms outside the home while at increased risk for suicide.
New data shows a dramatic rise in the U.S. suicide rate, especially for Native Americans and Alaska Natives.
In July, the nation got a new three-digit suicide prevention number – 988. A new analysis found the hotline’s call volume jumped 45% in August compared to August 2021, with the number of callers roughly doubling in two states in the Mountain West.
The AgriStress Hotline is staffed 24/7, similar to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. The difference is, if a farmer or rancher calls, they’re going to get a response from someone who’s trained to help agricultural workers.
A recent survey by the national nonprofit the Trevor Project found 42% of LGBTQ young people seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year and young people of color face disproportionate mental health challenges.
New federal data show Idaho’s per-capita suicide rate was improving before the pandemic. But early numbers indicate that trend reversed in 2020. Idaho had…
Fallen pine cones covered 16-year-old Leslie Keiser’s fresh grave at the edge of Wolf Point, a small community on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation on the…
A new study underscores disproportionately high firearm suicide rates in rural areas, including across Idaho.The study, from gun control advocacy group…
States in the Mountain West have some of the highest suicide rates in the country. The public radio collaboration Guns & America has been looking into how…