The Boise River is rising again, to what officials say will be the highest levels so far this year.
Flows from the Lucky Peak Dam will go up Friday morning. An additional 500 cubic feet per second of water will be released. That will bring the flow to 9,300 cfs at the Glenwood Bridge gauge. That’s the highest flow this Spring since officials started pushing more and more water through the river to make room for melting snow in the mountains above Boise.
A flow of 7,000 cfs is considered flood stage and the Boise River has been above that for some time.
The Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers say they have to release more water because of rapidly changing weather and runoff conditions. And they warn that they may release even more water over the next week, as snow continues to melt into Boise River reservoirs, which are at 90 percent of capacity.
The Boise Police Department has these safety tips for kids and parents as the Boise River remains above flood stage:
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