On August 13, 2024, Eagle City Council members met to approve their 2025 fiscal budget. With this approval, the Eagle On-Demand (line 160) run by Valley Regional Transit (VRT) will be no longer available as of Oct. 1 due to a cut of funding by the city.
The Eagle On-Demand bus route connects the city with other bus service and communities across the Treasure Valley, giving residents the option to use public transportation to get where they need to go.
Council Member Helen Russell said they canceled funding to Valley Regional Transit, because ridership was not as high as it needed to be to justify the cost.
The Eagle On-Demand line had been running for 11 months when the city announced the change. On VRT's website they say, “Transit services often take a year or more to fully realize ridership potential.”
VRT relies on federal grants and local funding to support its bus services — so when Eagle cut the funds they had been providing before, VRT had no choice but to end the bus line.
VRT’s Beyond Access program will continue to run regardless of the funding cuts. The program is designed for disabled riders and those 60 and older. The program requires an application and approval in advance to use the service.