- Our squad of regional reporters breaks down the week's headlines.
- Author Rick Just chronicles the life of Stinker Store founder, Farris Lind.
- Happy Jack makes Idahoans and cats very happy.
- Guest host Tom Michael leads a round table discussion of the week's headlines with the region's top journalists. This week, Idaho Matters speaks with Kevin Richert of Idaho Education News, Mike Sharp of KIVI 6 on Your Side and Scott McIntosh of the Idaho Press.
- Fearless tells the story of Farris Lind, the founder of Stinker Stores and an all-around wildcat. Author Rick Just joins Idaho Matters to talk about Lind, his exploits and contributions to Idaho commerce and communities. Just will be signing copies of Fearless Farris at Rediscovered Books on Thursday, May 2.
- Happy Jack's Cats matches felines in need of friends with humans looking for furry companionship. This Saturday is Happy Jack's Alley Cats Bowling Fund Day and we talk with Deborah Phantana about cat adoption and bowling.