- Reporter Roundtable.
- Wildfires and snowmelt in the West.
- World War II planes come to Nampa.
-It’s time for our Reporter Roundtable, where we get you up to date on all the news that made headlines around our region. Joining us this week are Kevin Richert of Idaho Ed News, Mike Sharp of KIVI Six On Your Side Television and Seth Ogilvie of Idaho Public Televison.
-It’s no secret that wildfires are getting worse in the West. They’re threatening lives, homes and ecosystems. And they are also threatening our already-precarious watersheds. It’s all becoming a vicious cycle — especially for the drier parts of our region.
-You may have noticed a couple of really big planes flying over the Treasure Valley this week. The World War II B-17 and B-25 bombers were brought to Nampa by the Commemorative Air Force. Both planes flew in World War II and are pieces of living history. The Commemorative Air Force is a nonprofit that flies planes like these around the country. They not only keep them flying, but let people see, touch and fly in a little bit of history.