Many renters in Idaho are facing a challenging financial future, after a devastating year. While businesses shed jobs and cut hours as the government struggled to get safety net systems in place, these folks faced tough questions. Questions like “what’s more important to spend my limited money on: my rent, my utility bill or groceries?”
But now, there’s financial help available to renters in Boise and Ada County who meet certain income requirements. To begin an application through this federally funded program, click here.
(Renters in other parts of Idaho may soon have access to similar relief.)
Idaho Matters spoke with Boise City Councilwoman Lisa Sanchez, Deanna Watson with the Boise City/Ada County Housing Authorities and Maureen Brewer with the Housing and Community Development Division at the City of Boise about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program.
As of Thursday, Watson says $347,000 has been used of the $23.5 million allocated. Two thirds of the funding has so far gone to Boise renters.
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