International relations can seem really far away from anybody in the United States, including here in Idaho and that’s something Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Kristin Kane with the U.S. Department of State wants to change.
Kristin Kane is a U.S. diplomat of the highest degree. For the U.S. State Department, she has served Foreign Tours across the globe. Brasilia, Dakar, Lisbon and Paris is just a short list of her multiple assignments. And while her diplomatic arsenal plays out where you might expect – regarding the planet’s hotspots – sometimes it’s about engaging in the back seat of an Uber in Boise.
Idaho Senator Frank Church upended Washington with his committee's investigations into our government's intelligence community and that story is the centerpiece of the best-selling book, "The Last Honest Man" by Pulitzer Prize-winning author James Risen.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author James Risen says he always wanted to look back and do a book about Frank Church. Indeed, that book chronicles the political minefield the late Senator Church navigated via what would be known as “The Church Committee.”
With days until what promises to be a high-profile midterm Election Day, the 37th edition of the Frank Church Conference at Boise State couldn’t be timelier.
Douglas Brinkley, one of the most celebrated historians of his generation, isn’t partisan. He’s chronicled the legacies of Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan and has known many others who have occupied the Oval Office.
We are about nine weeks away from a new president taking office in the U.S., and many leading experts concerns that our democracy is vulnerable. Larry…
The annual Frank Church Conference is set for Oct. 14 at Boise State University. The day-long event will focus on international topics covering Russia,…
The 34th annual Frank Church Conference on Public Affairs comes to Boise State Monday, October 24. Through the years, the Frank Church Institute has…
Some of the nation's most formidable statesmen and women were guests of Friday's Frank Church Conference on Public Affairs, now in its 32nd year. The…