An effort to reimburse parents who send their kids to private schools through a tax credit is dead for now.
Idaho lawmakers have tried over the past several years to put some kind of program in place that would let parents choose where their kids go to school using everything from vouchers to education savings accounts, but none of those past proposals have become law.
The latest attempt to allow taxpayer money to pay for private religious school expenses is temporarily on hold.
Lawmakers have tried over the past several years to put some kind of program in place that would let parents choose where their kids go to school using everything from vouchers, to education savings accounts, but none of those past proposals have become law. Idaho Matters is taking a deep dive into school choice and how it could affect kids and parents, public and private schools, charter and religious schools, as well as taxpayers and educators.
Some Idaho lawmakers are revamping their campaign to give taxpayer dollars to private, religious schools.
On Friday, legislators announced a new tax credit proposal for students receiving schooling outside of public institutions. Under the proposal, families would receive a refundable tax credit of up to $5,000 to cover costs related to their child’s non-public education.
Idaho legislative leaders say we should expect a sort of re-run of issues for this year’s session.
The College of Idaho is tackling three issues this year with their second Idaho Policy Forum, bringing together a wide group of speakers to talk about the open primary initiative, green energy and school vouchers.
An assessment of education in Idaho with Debbie Critchfield.
Parents who want to help oversee Idaho’s Empowering Parents grants program can now apply to serve on its oversight council as Gov. Brad Little fights for funding