A new plan to shoot 500,000 Barred Owls to save Spotted Owls has stirred up concern.
A lawsuit over the Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s killing of three grizzly bears in Eastern Idaho has settled, and it could have implications beyond the state’s borders.
The state says listing the wolverine under Endangered Species Act is "unlawful" and “exemplifies poor conservation policy.”
A federal judge in Boise heard arguments on Thursday in a lawsuit saying wolf trapping in Idaho threatens endangered grizzly bears.
Activists have sought federal protections for the wolverine for more than 20 years. On Wednesday, the federal government finally granted their wish.
There aren't many wolverines in the continental U.S. — only about 400 of them— and they may soon be listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. That decision could change how public land is developed around the Mountain West.
Last November, Idaho Fish and Game killed a sow and two cubs, saying the bears showed little fear toward humans and became habituated to areas near homes in rural Fremont County.
Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch are among those pushing against the Biden administration’s plan to reinstate tougher endangered species regulations that were rolled back under former President Donald Trump.
Conservative lawmakers in the West are reviving efforts to delist certain populations of the grizzly bear and gray wolf from the Endangered Species Act, and last week they made their case to remove federal protections before a U.S. House subcommittee.
Conservation groups are speaking out against three bills in Congress that would delist grizzly bears and gray wolves from endangered species protections.