Boise residents living in apartments and multifamily buildings will soon have some access to composting their food waste.
Earlier this month a historic ruling was made in favor of 16 young activists who filed a lawsuit against the state of Montana for infringing on their constitutional right to a "clean and healthful environment."
Animal agriculture produces more methane - a powerful greenhouse gas - than any other human activity in the U.S. Climate experts say we need to cut those down now. But the science on livestock emissions is just emerging, so it's not clear how to do that.
Animal agriculture produces more methane – a powerful greenhouse gas – than any other human activity in the U.S. Climate experts say we need to cut greenhouse gas emissions dramatically before 2030. But when it comes to emissions from the livestock sector, the science is still emerging, and it’s not yet clear if the cuts will come in time—or how.
The latest United Nations report on climate change out earlier this month makes it clear that more carbon dioxide needs to come out of the atmosphere. One sector it says has lots of potential to hold onto carbon is agriculture, which accounts for 10% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2006, Boise Mayor Dave Bieter signed the Mayor’s Agreement on Climate Change. Since then, the city has taken steps to improve efficiency and…
The far western United States set records for low snowpack levels in 2015, and a new report blames high temperatures rather than low precipitation…
The U.S Energy Information Administration studied the amount of carbon dioxide that was pumped into the atmosphere between 2000-2010. Idaho contributes a…