Daniel Mason's novel, The Winter Soldier, follows Lucius Krzelewski, a 22-year-old medical student living in Vienna when World War I breaks out. Eager to…
Starting Monday, Idaho’s first responders will be able to draw more easily workers’ compensation for job-related, post-traumatic stress.“I’m driving…
Therapist Elizabeth Heaney spent years traveling from base to base counseling military veterans and their families for post traumatic stress disorder and…
Idaho Democratic representative Mat Erpelding has introduced legislation that would provide coverage for first responders who suffer from PTSD as a result…
Federal legislation expands treatment for opioid addiction.Idaho lawmakers look to treat PTSD among first responders.Big River Paranormal hunts down Gem…
Following the deadly attack against Boiseans attending a child's birthday party, Boise Fire Chief Dennis Doan called for a re-examination of the methods…
Re-evaluating treatment of post traumatic stress for first responders.Idaho's first openly gay Republican candidate talks about the GOP of 2018.A new…
This week we've been bringing you the story of Idaho Army veteran Dan Sperry and his service dog Awescar. This large labradoodle has had a major role in…
Awescar is normally an obedient dog.“It’s okay buddy, okay, I guess you’re going to sit up here. What is it?” asks Dan Sperry.This 70 pound white…
This week we are bringing you the story of Dan Sperry. He's a U.S. Army veteran from Idaho and for the last two decades he's lived with post traumatic…