“I came to a new sort of acceptance of the reality of change. This album is all about change for me.”
Yellow Pine is about as remote a community as there is in vast, mountainous Idaho. But every year, a weekend harmonica festival draws thousands to the village – multiplying its year-round population of some 30 people by 100 or more. That wave of visitors and the money they spend helps the town make it through the year.
The people behind Treefort bring a new music festival to Garden City.
Treefort Music Fest is returning to its regular March timeslot this year. After the pandemic disrupted the event in 2020 and 2021, organizers are hoping for a smooth event this spring — but with added COVID-19 precautions in place.
For more than a year in Idaho the performing arts were on hold due to the pandemic. As this summer brings ways for folks to gather safely outdoors, summer concerts are back.
Boise Rock School is gearing up to turn up the amps again in-person this summer, with some modifications. Idaho Matters checks-in with the nonprofit's co-founder and managing director.
Each January, the University of Idaho music department invites high school bands from around the region to Moscow for a series of performances, clinics and master classes. The pandemic prevented that in-person experience this year. But the school of music was not going to be denied and they organized a virtual Bandfest, with a special piece composed and performed just for this occasion.
Idaho Matters shares this interview from Boise State Public Radio Morning Edition host George Prentice on Boise Music Week, which is going on through May 15. The event has taken place for more than 100 years.
Last week, Boise’s Treefort Music Fest announced 369 bands and musical acts set to play the event this September. After Treefort cancelled their March 2020 event due to COVID-19, last week's announcement gave indie music lovers in the Treasure Valley something to look forward to soon. Idaho Matters talks with Treefort Music Fest Director Eric Gilbert about how they're approaching their first festival in more than a year.
It’s been a more than a year since bands and musicians across the world cancelled tours and live music stopped. This week in Boise — if we weren’t in a…